Boston-based Sunni & Kevin arrived yesterday for the holiday!! We're having fun, starting with an evening of hibachi. Of course, any visit to Sumter Landing includes David's favorite venue, Baskin Robbins Ice Cream!!
Our country club held a 'Music of the Night' evening, Friday October 17. It was a big turnout, complete with drinks, dinner and dancing. We enjoyed the evening, which required a little dressier attire than normal....Of course these folks took the Phantom theme 'up a notch.' A great time was had by all. For more pics of the evening, click here. Don't forget Page 2 by clicking "2" next to the green 'gallery pages.'
The picture above shows the girls in 1979. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving, 2006 is here. The best part is having our family around the table again. Sunni will be with us in Florida (the one with the big smile on the left) for a week, getting relaxed and rejuvinated. Lisa (the one with the big smile on the right) and Danny will be here for as long as Lisa's hectic schedule will allow. But one thing's for sure - we are truly thankful for the blessings our family has enjoyed all year long. From our home to yours, a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We are so very proud of the new real estate agent in our family!! Our daughter Lisa recently landed a job selling new homes with a prominent builder, Hartley Brothers. in the Gainesville area. Check out her website if you're in the market, or even if you're not!! The homes are beautiful and frankly, so is she!!
aka "17Fairway"...A Grandmother, a golfer, a photographer, a canine massage therapist and a community outreach coordinator for the Lazarus Free Medical Cinic in Wildwood, Florida! You are invited to share Life's ever-changing, ever-challenging moments with me!