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Use your back button to return.On Sunday, January 21, our friends the Ellis' invited us join them for a fox hunt! Actually, no animal is hunted. Instead, a bag with 'fox scent' is spread around the woods and then hidden. The bloodhounds lead the riders and their horses to find the bag. This is done three times during the hunt.
It was an amazing experience for us to take photos amidst the fifty riders and their stunning horses. Of course, when the hounds were released from their trailer, the excitement really began!
We thanks the Ellis' so much for including us in this animal-lovers Dream Day! Featured above is
Bravo, one of the two Ellis horses. Bravo is twenty-two years old and has been hunting twice a week since he was very young.
Click here to view additional photos. Don't forget the second page! To find out more about the hunt club,
click here. Use your back button to return.