The shop is billing the evening as a 'Pet Wellness' event and has also invited a raw food manufacturer to speak about raw food diets for dogs. http://www.rawhealthpetfood.com/
The shop has 'sold out' all available tickets . Twenty-five guests/customers will attend. I've really enjoyed creating the presentation and demonstration of my massage techniques and have been thinking about other venues for my talks. Hmmm...living in a retirement area as I do, there are countless opportunities to improve pets' lives and spread the word about holistic healing and the power of touch.
For more posts on my Canine Massage journey, click here~ http://17fairway.blogspot.com/search/label/Canine%20Massage
Ok, I've heard it all-doggy massage! I'm not sure I want to share my massage money with Sadie!!
I know, it sounds very strange - but we all love our dogs and sometimes, well, a massage can be very beneficial!! I've got another customer (with alot of fur) tomorrow at 1 PM. Hey, it was time to 'reinvent' myself, and I combine my love of dogs with my appreciation of massage and my company, "Barkissage" was born!! Glad you stopped by and hope you are feeling great!
Barkissage - I love it!
We tried some massage on Max before he died but I think at that point everything was so painful for him he didn't really want to be touched.
Oh how I miss my Max dog!
My heart goes out to you, Winecat...I know how it feels to lose a dog that was a most important family member. Walking in the house was the toughest - missing the goofy, love-you-always-no-matter-what face and tongue-bath! I take refuge in the belief that no one could have loved my dogs better than me and that they knew they were crazy-loved while on this earth. Sending love to you, Emme and family!
Hi, Camden~
Thanks so much for the book reference. I've been asked by my customers for one and have provided a short booklet I created. This will really help those serious enough to continue the effort! Thanks again.
I am truly very happy to have landed here, you are doing a great job madam!
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