Typad blog is frozen in time, and I can't figure out how to fix it, so I'm filling in my blogging itch here on Blogspot. If Typepad continues to disappoint, I'm back here for good!!
Well the wedding has come and gone - It was a weekend to remember! Sunni & Kevin were 'over the moon' happy. And afterall, that was the objective of the whole effort!
I'm here in New York, sorting out my feelings on my mother being admitted to a nursing home. She is in the mid to later stages of Alzheimer's disease. So I'm here for a few days trying to give my Dad the support he desperately needs at this time of his life. He made the decision to put his wife of 64 years there. His affection and concern are almost overwhelming. I think he just doesn't know what to do with himself, other than be with her almost every waking moment. He's not getting the rest or break he needs to keep himself healthy.
He did however, start back at 'work' on Monday. He works three days a week at an upscale department store, fixing the fixable retail items to be returned to the floor - or sold as is. At least, that's what I think he does! The benfits to him are obvious - the few hours keep his mind off his wife's sad state, and put him in an environment of younger, healthy people who work retail, the trade he was in his whole working life. So that's a good thing.
Prognosis for Mom? It can't be good. It's a progressive disease, with little hope of turning back, especially in her physical condition. What will happen next? It's anyone's guess, really. My sister and Dad are looking into a nicer place. That would help, although at this late stage, it seems she's getting the care she needs right there, without the trauma of moving her again. But it certainly would be a nicer environment. Whether or not she'd actually know the difference is a moot point. But it probably would make Dad and certainly my sister happier with the surroundings.
The future is uncertain for any of us. For Dad, it's essential that he take care of himself now. For without him, my mother could not survive.