Well, not really, but it sure seems that way to me! David rented this Chevy Trailblazer (complete with North Carolina license plate!) to take me up to Gainesville for my certification class this week while our Infiniti is being serviced. Of course, my vote was for the cute navy blue Miata convertible in the Hertz parking lot. But I got overridden as David will be doing the bulk of the driving on every day except Saturday, when he will playing golf with his Saturday group. I'm a sports car, low to the ground kind of girl, with luxury overtones, so this Monster Truck/SUV isn't really working for me. I drove it from Home Depot back to the Hertz parking lot to pick up our Infiniti. And I felt like I was driving a freight train! How the heck do you back up in this thing? It's as long as a city block! We shall see how it goes on Saturday, my only driving day. Meantime, David is happy and we already loaded in some new flowers for the garden. Maybe this "cruise ship" isn't as bad as I thought it was!
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