Yes, not only did David and Ron sweep their flight at this year's Harbor Hills Member-Guest Tournament, but they WON THE WHOLE ENCHILADA!!
Surviving the three hole playoff for each of seven flight-winning teams, only two teams remained. In a total nailbiter (believe me), David's superior chip clinched the win! The chip was struck to thunderous applause, as the neighbors, in golf carts, celebrated the victory! More surprises were in store for the Dynamic Duo at the banquet that evening. The winners, David and Ron, received a standing ovation and accepted their trophies (which looked remarkably like the Heiseman!) Additional prizes included: golf bags by Cadillac, gold-engraved putters and the prized Harbor Hills jacket, suitable for wearing at next year's banquet. A fantastic time was had by all!
Pictured below, our golf pro Brady joins the celebration!

Above, neighbors gather in golf carts by the third green for the breathtaking finale of this year's tourney.
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