Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Fought the Drapes and the Drapes Won!

I Fought the Drapes & the Drapes Won!!
Yes, it's sad but true. We've been in our new home for two and a half years now. Before we moved in, I ordered these gorgeous 'waterfall' Roman shades from a local drapery store. They were handmade with custom fabric that matched my bedspread and carpeting beautifully. Thinking that this particular style would compliment the three bay windows, we splurged to include the continuous loop chains et al.
It soon became apparent that the centre window shade was heavy and hard to pull up on a daily basis. But I tolerated it as other Life Priorities presented themselves. Fast forward two and a half years. Now it is a constant struggle with the center window that culminated in an out and out battle last night.
Clearly, the drapes won. I was SO frustrated that I yanked the chain, continuous loop and all, until it finally broke. I then staged an out and out assault on the drapes in a complete show of two years of accumulated frustration. Oh, by the way, did I tell you the drapery shop went out of business??
So now the large middle window remains covered in a sad and asymmetrical tribute to last night's meltdown. I'm conflicted on what path to take next. My sense is to go for the wood shutters that I should have purchased initially, but didn't. It certainly would have been more cost effective. And for those of you considering a 'waterfall' Roman shade over a frequently used oversized window..Don't and Save Yourselves Now!!