This last year has been topsy-turvey with a multitude of positive and yes, some negative events. But David and I have come through the year stronger. Stronger together and always appreciative, maybe moreso, of the blessings in our lives.
Children, grandchildren, health and lifestyle. Even as Seniors (yes, it's official!) we learned alot this year about Life, about ourselves and what is truly important and necesssary. We're better people as a result.
Compassion is a keyword for 2010. My work with the free medical clinic has exposed me to a segment of society that needs our compassion and help desperately. For themselves and for their children. It's a daily reminder of the blessings I enjoy each and every day - and the importance of giving back something to the world, that in reality, has treated me very well.
Looking forward to a family visit this Thanksgiving - and enjoying the things in life that no amount of money can buy....